Inspirational Quotes About Addiction Recovery
Sometimes, the right words can give us the inspiration and strength we desperately need. And let’s be honest, inspiration and strength are two vital ingredients for anyone who is struggling with substance misuse.
On a personal level, I know inspirational quotes have given me strength in the past, especially when I was at my lowest. Those same quotes have also helped me make the right decisions when I was contemplating major changes in my life.
Inspirational Quotes, Messages, and Words to Overcome Addiction
As humans, when things get tough, we have a tendency to fall back into our old, unhealthy patterns. To overcome drug or alcohol addiction, we need encouragement and support. When we read powerful and inspiring quotes, they make sense to us. The words resonate with us internally and have a positive impact; they give us the push we need to become our best selves.
If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and contemplating recovery, take a look at the five motivational quotes about addiction. They might just inspire you to take the first step towards the rest of your life.
- “It won’t be like this forever.”Addiction makes a person feel hopeless and trapped. It controls us and makes us forget who we used to be. But the path of recovery is a step toward gaining control of your life again. You no longer have to be a slave to the disease. And with recovery, it is possible to gain back that sense of freedom you felt you lost so long ago.
- “No matter what the situation is, remind yourself ‘I have a choice.’” Recovery is a choice. Ultimately, it’s up to us and us alone to come out of denial and make the first step towards recovery. Likewise, when we’re faced with an unexpected setback or a strong urge to use substances, we have the power to determine the outcome. Effective treatment can help us identify and overcome our triggers, as well as allow us to make our own decisions about how to respond.
- “You are stronger than you think.” A lot of us think there’s no way we’ll ever be able to give up drugs or alcohol, but we underestimate the strength within ourselves. Sure, the easier route may be to give up and go back to our old ways, but we are fully capable of beating this disease once and for all. All it takes is focus, determination, and hard work.
- “When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.” Nobody ever said recovery was easy, and it takes discipline to maintain it long-term. And while the uphill climb may seem impossible at first, the end result is one of the most rewarding accomplishments you’ll ever experience. The reward is regaining your life and reaching your true potential, making the hard work at the beginning totally worth it.
- “You’re worth it.” Many of us suffer from low self-esteem, which, in turn, perpetuates the cycle of addiction. But struggling with an addiction doesn’t mean we’re incapable, weak, or unworthy. And it certainly doesn’t mean we can’t change our lives around and move past the disease that has been holding us back. We are all worthy of being happy and living our lives to the fullest. Embrace your worth as a human being and never settle for anything less than the happy, healthy life you deserve.
Encouraging Words About Addiction Recovery from Our Community
We set out to curate our own motivational quotes about addiction and other words of encouragement from our friends on social media. We asked, “What gives you strength when you’re struggling with addiction?”
These were their words of encouragement for someone with addiction:
“Knowing what I lost and knowing where it led me gives me strength from addiction. Knowing what I have today and having my grandkids in my life. My thoughts of getting high vanish when I think of not having my grandkids in my life now. I lost a 21-year-old daughter to the same thing I fight every day. My grandkids are my world now.” – Tangie B.
“I get strength from addiction from my baby boy. His birth locked in my recovery. I know you’re not supposed to say this, but I don’t care. I will never, could never, use again. I don’t care how bad my cravings get, my love for him is 10,000 times a better feeling than any high could ever feel. But, of course, my higher power made all this possible. The hard work in recovery changed my life.” – Myia S.
“The fact that in two months I will have three years with no relapse keeps me strong. To start it over again. I can’t do. I’d rather die.” – Sandy H.
“My children help me through my struggles with addiction because I want them to have a better life than I had. That always keeps me strong.” – Shawn F.
“I find strength by talking to people, staying positive, staying away from negative people, and changing my environment.” – Desi B.
“Remembering the lowest point and fighting hard to get back up and stay there almost 17 years is my strength.” – Kimberly C.
“Heavy silence and nature, so my mind is clear keeps me going.” – Traci B.
“Focusing on the beauty and getting busy with what makes ME happy. And if I fall, minimizing it and going on stronger.” – Kathy M.
“Remembering all it up me and loved one through. It’s not worth it.” – Tammi H.
Ready to Start Your Recovery Journey?
Take the first step toward recovery today. Call American Addiction Centers at to explore life-changing treatment options, including inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab options. Your journey to a happier, healthier life free from addiction starts now. Calling is confidential and free, and there is no obligation to enter treatment.