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Addiction Treatment Guide: Treatment Types, Therapies, Medications, and More 

If you or a loved one are seeking addiction treatment, you might wonder what the drug and alcohol rehab process entails. Learn more about addiction treatment types, therapies, medications, and more in this Addiction Treatment Guide.
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Finding the right drug and alcohol rehab for your needs is an important part of recovery, but you might not know where to begin.1 This article will help you understand what addiction treatment is, the different types of treatment for addiction, how long it lasts, how to start treatment, and how to find treatment near you.

What Is Addiction Treatment?

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment is the management and care of a patient to combat a substance use disorder (the clinical term for a drug or alcohol addiction). Treatment can take the form of medicines, procedures, or counseling and psychotherapy. It is provided in a variety of settings and tailored to a person’s unique needs.1 Addiction treatment is intended to help a patient stop compulsive drug seeking and use so that they can return to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and community.1

Drug or alcohol addiction is a chronic, yet treatable medical disease characterized by compulsive substance use that continues despite harmful consequences.2 Like other chronic health diseases, addiction is a long-term condition where symptoms may recur. Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process that may include multiple episodes of treatment, a variety of types of interventions, and ongoing monitoring for symptoms while participating in aftercare to help prevent symptoms from recurring.1

Aftercare and other ongoing recovery efforts through continuing care can help build self-confidence and a sense of self-efficacy. And not only does an aftercare plan help to prevent relapse, but it can limit their severity, should they occur. It also can provide people with opportunities to engage or re-engage in meaningful, substance-free activities.3

What Are the Different Types of Addiction Treatment?

There are various types of rehab that are part of an addiction treatment continuum of care, meaning that a person can move throughout these levels if needed.1 

Addiction treatment centers can cater to specific needs and populations. You can often find programs for specific drug addictions, like opioid treatment programs, as well as gender-specific programs, age-specific programs for teens or seniors, programs for veterans or first responders, co-occurring disorders programs, and more.

People with substance use disorders often struggle with co-occurring disorders, which means having both a mental health disorder such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder, as well as addiction.1 If a person has a co-occurring disorder, it’s the standard of care to treat both conditions concurrently in an integrated treatment program.1,4 This is because these disorders can become intertwined, and treatment of one influences treatment of the other.1,4

The treatment interventions available in inpatient and outpatient rehab treatment programs are similar, and an individualized treatment plan may include medication as well as one or more behavioral therapies in individual and group settings.6 There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment.1 Treatment plans are tailored to each person based on their individual needs, which are evaluated during a comprehensive intake assessment. And, as needs may change over time, a treatment plan will be revisited and adjusted as needed as a person progresses in treatment.5

Not all substance use disorders can be treated with medication, but medication is a critical component of care for people with opioid use disorder, and there are medications that can be useful for those with alcohol use disorder.6 Medication may also be indicated in the treatment of certain co-occurring mental health conditions.5,6

Behavioral therapies are the cornerstone addiction treatment, and can help people change behaviors that either led to or perpetuate substance use.6 These therapies can teach people the necessary skills to manage stress and other triggers that can contribute to symptom recurrence.6

How Long Does Addiction Treatment Last?

The length of treatment can vary widely, for several weeks to months, or longer if indicated. The appropriate duration for an individual depends on the type and degree of the patient’s problems and needs.1 

How to Start Addiction Treatment

If you or a loved one are interested in starting rehab, consider consulting with your doctor or another trusted healthcare provider. A physician can conduct an evaluation and provide advice about the most appropriate treatment setting for your, or your loved one’s, needs.

As mentioned above, the process can be different for everyone. Individuals may require different treatment components, which means, for example, that not everyone will need detox, and some people may start in an inpatient facility and transition to an outpatient rehab, and some may directly begin in an outpatient program.5

There are many ways to locate an addiction treatment center, such as using online directories, asking a medical professional, reading reviews online, or contacting American Addiction Centers (AAC) at .

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You can use the treatment directory tool to find rehab facilities and filter them based on specific criteria, such as location, insurance, and types of treatment. You can also use our online insurance verification tool to instantly check your health insurance benefits. If you do not have insurance, paying without insurance is possible, and there are still options to attend rehab and make things work. 

Reaching out for help is the first step, and AAC is here to support you throughout the process. Call to speak with a caring admissions navigator about your rehab options, ask any questions you may have about the treatment process, and easily verify your insurance. Start your recovery journey today with AAC.

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