I personally believe that you take away what you equally put into the program, meaning if you go into it just snow balling your way through just to fake it to get through it then your not going to take anything away that is meaningful and just might save your life. When I went in I was ready to put all the lies, hustling, games and streets to the back and start a fresh new life free from all the baggage that held me back just like I am right now!!! I'm willing to put 110% into it just like I did while I attended Sojourners and I took so much from there I only wish I would of applied more at the end of my recovery or went back to them for a refocus because they saved my life and I stayed clean for 7 years do to the tools they taught me. I also believe a treatment can be effective if the group molds well together because if your in a group that clashes it seems to be all you focus on. so the individuals attending the program make it or break it.